Personalized Dental Care Strategies for Pediatric Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)


Gilmara Alves de Oliveira Mairink
Bruno César Ladeira Vidigal


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Pediatric dental care, Dental anesthesia, Personalized strategies


This article explores the effects of personalized strategies in pediatric dental
treatment for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), emphasizing the
importance of empathetic and inclusive approaches to enhance the quality of care. The
lack of specialized training often leads to inadequate treatments, underscoring the
need for more humane and sensitive practices. The theoretical framework is based on
historical milestones that shaped the understanding of autism, such as the works of
Leo Kanner, who identified the first clinical signs of autism, and Hans Asperger, who
recognized a milder form of the disorder, later called Asperger's Syndrome. The study
validated the hypothesis that personalized approaches improve dental care for patients
with ASD, emphasizing the importance of careful administration of anesthesia, the use
of techniques such as "tell-show-do," and preliminary consultations with parents or
caregivers. Strategies like positive reinforcement and systematic desensitization help
reduce anxiety, promote cooperation, and establish a positive relationship with oral
health. Visual aids, such as photo albums of the dental office, help familiarize the child
with the environment, making it less intimidating. The goal is to create less traumatic
environments that respect the sensory, behavioral, and communicative needs of
children with ASD, using features like quiet spaces, soft lighting, and headphones.
Appointments at favorable times and regular breaks help avoid sensory overload.
These efforts result in more effective treatments and long-term healthy habits, while
also fostering the development of personalized protocols, dental team training, and
constant communication with caregivers, providing empathetic care that respects each
child's individual needs and promotes a positive and humanized experience.

Author Biography

Gilmara Alves de Oliveira Mairink, Famig

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July 10, 2024