Aplicação do acordo de não persecução penal na justiça militar: sua aplicabilidade prática, em especial no tribunal de justiça militar do estado de Minas Gerais


Ana Luíza Arruda Siqueira


Military justice. Non-criminal prosecution agreement. Application. Jurisprudence.


This work will seek to present the application of consensual justice, within the scope of Military Justice, focusing on the institution of the non-criminal prosecution agreement. To this end, it will discuss the specialty of Military Justice, with the aim of exposing the controversies regarding the possibility of applying the non-criminal prosecution agreement, addressing the concept, brief history and foundations of the agreement, as well as the currents that disagree and defend the institute in military justice. Furthermore, it presents jurisprudence, doctrinal foundations, fundamentals and logistics that guide its application, using as methodology literary review, analysis of practical studies and field work, carried out through personal interviews with magistrates working in the Military Justice of Minas Gerais. In the end, this study will demonstrate practical applicability in the military sphere, highlighting that there is still no unified understanding regarding the possibility of using the institute of non-criminal prosecution, highlighting the ambiguity of predominant understandings, which results in the division of the military jurisdictional segment.


SIQUEIRA, Ana Luíza Arruda. Aplicação do acordo de não persecução penal na justiça militar: sua aplicabilidade prática, em especial no tribunal de justiça militar do estado de Minas Gerais. 2023. 43f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2023.



November 27, 2023