Business plan: Glúten Free – Fast Food


Dyen Witiney Carolino Almeida
Kátlen Brenda Luisa Eduardo de Freitas
Lucas Rodrigues Leal


business, entrepreneurship, gluten, food market


Gluten Free fast food arose from the idea of ​​supplying a portion that had been forgotten in the market until then, making possible the desire to consume a tasty and healthy food. The initial idea is to provide gluten free pizzas to people with celiac diseases, these people being allergic to a wheat protein called gluten and people who lead a healthy lifestyle, popularly known in our society as fitness people. Gluten Free works as follows, we offer the customer two pasta options, one based on cassava and the other based on potatoes, then the customer chooses the filling pre-established by the company of their choice. The main motivation for developing Gluten Free is to provide people with celiac disease a pizza option that does not harm their health, as the dough used by the company is different from the conventional, the product's differential is to offer gluten-free dough.


ALMEIDA, Dyen Witiney Carolino; FREITAS, Kátlen Brenda Luisa Eduardo de; LEAL, Lucas Rodrigues. Plano de negócio: Glúten Free – fast food. 2020. 51f. Projeto (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2020.



June 30, 2020