Onlyfans: a prostituição do século XXI e suas repercussões jurídicas


Gustavo de Sousa Oliveira
Rafael Augusto Silva


OnlyFans, privacy, data protection, General Data Protection Regulation, cybercrimes.


This article explores the phenomenon of OnlyFans, a digital platform that allows
content creators to sell their material, including intimate content. The article delves
into the origins and founders of OnlyFans, as well as its functioning and business
model. Additionally, it discusses privacy and data protection on the platform,
highlighting the security measures implemented and compliance with the General
Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The article also addresses the challenges
faced by digital platforms in safeguarding user privacy, including cybercrimes.


OLIVEIRA, Gustavo de Sousa; SILVA, Rafael Augusto. Onlyfans: a prostituição do século XXI e suas repercussões jurídicas. 2023. 48f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2023.



December 1, 2023