Judicial error: the practice of the Public Prosecutor's Office in judicial errors


Andre William Murray
Hamilton Brunno Penido Brandão


miscarriage of justice, pretrial detention, Public Ministry


The objective of this study is to analyze about the illegalities practiced in the maintenance of a preventive detention and the disregard of art. 319 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Developed by the hypothetical-deductive method allowing the beginning of the research to base real hypotheses. The role of the Public Prosecutor's Office will be analyzed, which has been contributing substantially to the convictions of the innocent, acting merely as an attorney for the prosecution. For this purpose, works by some renowned authors of law, jurisprudence, proven cases of judicial errors, as well as articles available on legal content websites, will be used for the preparation of this research. It will be shown that many pre-trial detainees are acquitted and others who are convicted, manage to demonstrate their innocence later, which consequently results in irreparable harm to the prisoner and his family. Finally, it will conclude on the importance of preserving the principles of the Constitution, ensuring the speed of criminal proceedings, avoiding excessive preventive arrests and having a true inspector of the law, proposing a way to reduce judicial errors.


MURRAY, Andre William; BRANDÃO, Hamilton Brunno Penido. Erro judicial: a atuação do Ministério Público em erros judiciais. 2021. 21f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.

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June 16, 2021