A utilização de bens apreendidos pelas forças de segurança pública no combate a criminalidade


Filipe Watson Constância Castelane Gonçalves
Kate Stephanie Luiza de Oliveira


Security Forces, Police Organization, Criminal System


The Criminal Justice System is organized in three main fronts. This system works like a crescent, which starts in the legislation, having the laws as a preventive character, reaching the fulfillment of the sentence by the offender. Agreeing with the criminal system does not mean agreeing that it is from a theoretical and practical para digm regarding the State's punitive claim. The Federal Constitution presents the basis for the criminal system. The constitutional rule states that the Federal Police must fulfill the role of investigating criminal offenses against the political and social order. The criminal justice system is divided by several functional integration organizations. In Brazil, the definition of police structure and function is a constitutional matter. The nation, a state or municipality, has its security governed by an orga n of the criminal justice system called the police. The security forces exercise police power and their role is to protect society, fighting crime, guarding it and preventing any harm against it from receiving state punishment. The penal system has, in dea ling with the punitive issue and its operationalization, distortions that must be corrected. Brazil is part of international conventions against corruption and is committed to developing public policies in accordance with the terms of those conventions. Disjoining the criminal organizations that support drug trafficking imposes the integration of the security forces, the seizure of these drugs and the arrests of those involved help in the investigation and resolution of crimes.


GONÇALVES, Filipe Watson Constância Castelane; OLIVEIRA, Kate Stephanie Luiza de. A utilização de bens apreendidos pelas forças de segurança pública no combate a criminalidade. 2020. 26f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2020.



November 27, 2020