Imposto Único Sobre as Transações Bancárias (IUT)
Brazilian tax, single taxSynopsis
Brazil currently has one of the most complex taxation structures in the world, where there are numerous forms of taxation implemented. Thus, the Brazilian tax system becomes, in most cases, inefficient and can be interpreted in a wrong way, contributing to corruption, tax evasion among other mechanisms that are installed due to the fragility of the system. With the new implementation of the single tax on bank transactions, we will be able to witness a change in the Brazilian tax structure, which can make it more just and stimulating for production in our country.
BOTELHO, Augusto César Pinheiro. Imposto Único Sobre as Transações Bancárias (IUT). 2020. 24f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2020.
November 30, 2020
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