Descriminalização do aborto no Brasil como garantia dos direitos fundamentais


Ana Gabriela Tavares Pereira
Kesya Nayanne Figueiredo Teixeira


Illegal abortion, Gender equality, Imposition of the church


The objective of this work is to analyze the constitutionality of the criminalization of abortion in Brazil in view of the Federal Constitution of 1988 and demonstrate that, despite being a criminal conduct, thousands of abortions are performed annually in clandestine clinics. The Catholic Church, as a strong influencer in society, is totally opposed to the practice of abortion, regardless of what happens to the pregnant woman. A brief study was also carried out on the legalization of boarding in comparative law. The main purpose is to demonstrate that women are having their fundamental rights and guarantees suppressed by the State, in addition to not being guaranteed the right to gender equality. Finally, as far as the methodology was concerned, the qualitative procedure was used as it sought to analyze the research problem in a bibliographic way.


PEREIRA, Ana Gabriela Tavares; TEIXEIRA, Kesya Nayanne Figueiredo. Descriminalização do aborto no Brasil como garantia dos direitos fundamentais. 2020. 40f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2020.



November 30, 2020