As constelações sistêmicas como instrumento auxiliar de mediação nos litígios do direito de família
Systemic constellation, family, mediation, conflict resolutionSynopsis
The present article aims to analyze the existence of pertinence in Brazilian legislation for the application of Systemic Constellations as an auxiliary instrument in the Judiciary Power and to prove whether this tool has been effective in solving conflicts in family actions. This concern arose as a result of the current scenario of overloading the Brazilian judicial system with the need for new alternatives for resolving conflicts. Thus, it is discussed: is there legal scope for the application of family constellations as an auxiliary instrument of the Judiciary? Has this technique been effective in mediating conflicts in Family Law? The theoretical framework was based on books, articles and research. The article uses bibliographic and qualiquantitative methodology. Its approach dialogues with other areas of knowledge, having interdisciplinarity and its legal basis is in the current Brazilian legislation, mainly in the New Code of Civil Procedure and in the Resolution of the National Council of Justice nº 125/2010. Thus, the topic addressed deals with a relevant subject for the current social context and came to the conclusion that there is a legal basis for the application of this technique as an auxiliary instrument in the Judiciary and that this technique has achieved great effectiveness in the resolution of family disputes.
MACHADO, Jackeline Ramalho. As constelações sistêmicas como instrumento auxiliar de mediação nos litígios do direito de família. 2023. 23f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2023.