Alimony: a detailed analysis of accountability in food action
Alimony, Foods, Feeder, Fed, Demand accountsSynopsis
This article aims to carry out an analysis about the alimony, as well as the possibility of inserting the accountability institute in this scope. The main motivation of this study lies in the importance that the theme has in Family Law, being very common, given the frequent family dissolutions. The theoretical assumptions are based on legal texts, such as: Civil Code of 2002 and Law 13.058 of 2014. This work was developed through bibliographical research and was based on doctrines, jurisprudence, websites and legal magazines. A proposal that aims to contribute to the theme in the sphere of family law, being the basis for future studies in this perspective. Always striving to preserve the dignity of the human person and the right to survival of all individuals.
VALERIO, Artur Albert Santos; QUEIROZ, Rafael Guilherme. Pensão alimentícia: uma análise aprofundada acerca da prestação de conta na ação de alimentos. 2022. 24f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2022.