The custodial sentence and resocialization in the Brazilian penal system


Ana Paula de Jesus Teles da Silva
Josely Silva
Patricia dos Santos


Prison sentence, Resocialization, Retribution, Prevention


The present work has as its theme the custodial sentence and resocialization in the Brazilian penal system, in which it aims to analyze whether the custodial sentence as applied in Brazil has been able to fulfill the resocializing function of the sentence. The problem theme of the present work lies in assessing whether the custodial sentence in Brazil is being sufficient to obtain the expected result that is in the future, reinserting him into society, as well as preventing recidivism, as well as analyzing what would be the reasons why the purpose for which the penalty is proposed retribution, prevention, and resocialization, is not being achieved, if there is poor management by the State, if there is a lack of political interest, administrative, technical inability, prisons without the minimum necessary infrastructure, material and human, to the increments of the progressive regimes for the fulfillment of sentences, as provided for in article 112 of the LEP. The research method used to prepare this work was the hypothetical deductive, a survey of theoretical references was used as a research technique, in particular, through bibliographical research, jurisprudence, internet articles, books, monographs and theses that deal with the subject.


SILVA, Ana Paula de Jesus Teles da; SILVA, Josely; SANTOS, Patricia dos. A pena privativa de liberdade e a ressocialização no sistema penal brasileiro. 2022. 43f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2022.



December 12, 2022