The use of drugs as a determining factor for theft and robbery crimes


Marco Aurélio Ferreira Torres
Mariana Ferreira Lopes


Illicit drugs, Use, . Theft, Relationship.


The present work aims to analyze the legislation on illicit drugs in Brazil, as well as whether their use is related to the practice of theft and robbery crimes. Would there then be any relationship between the crimes of drug use and the crimes of theft and robbery? Is the decriminalization of article 28 of law 11.343/06 related to the increase in these crimes against property? Is it necessary, a greater punishment to the user to stop the increase of these crimes? In the end, as a result of this research, we seek to find out if there is a relationship between the decriminalization of drug use and consumption, with the growing increase in theft and robbery crimes. The research method used is quali-quanti, the result of bibliographical research, using the keywords: illicit drugs, use, theft, theft and relationship, in addition to research carried out in laws 11.343/06, 6.368/76 and 2.848/40.


TORRES, Marco Aurélio Ferreira; LOPES, Mariana Ferreira. O uso de drogas como fator determinante para os crimes de furto e roubo. 2022. 40f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2022.



December 12, 2022