Digital platforms and algorithmic subordination: reflections on labor law
shared economy, digital platform, algorithm, labor law, subordination, technical expertiseSynopsis
The present work briefly discusses the history of technological evolution in Brazil to the present day and the influence of innovation on interpersonal relationships. Then, an approach to the sharing economy is made. Afterwards, we move on to the analysis of work on demand on digital platforms, listing the various areas in which companies are present. The central theme is an analysis of the supposed algorithmic subordination presented on digital platforms, highlighting the reflexes that were brought to the labor process. The project was elaborated through a bibliographic review, the objective of study on the subject and to make a society thought with the society integrated in the Law to think in recent times. Among the changes, it was concluded that it is relevant to analyze the subordination on digital platforms under the bias of the algorithm and the feasibility of technical expertise to do so.
RIBEIRO, Luciana Lima. Plataformas digitais e subordinação algorítmica: os reflexos no direito do trabalho. 2022. 56f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2022.