Protection of child and adolescent data
Law 13.709, Child and teenager, Internet usage, Connected minors, Generation Z, Data exposure, Processing of personal dataSynopsis
Society is still a layman on the subject that is dealt with in article 14 of Law 13.709, the choice of this topic is reflected in living with a child, where in the 21st century we are faced with a totally different reality from what we were used to or what we've already passed. Based on this, we will deal with the protection of data for children and adolescents and the aforementioned issues that it will address, the idea is to make fathers, mothers and other entities in society begin to ask themselves if children/adolescents are safe, if the means they use on social networks are safe and yet understand and clarify the law that deals with the protection of data for children and adolescents, thus bringing a better understanding of its applicability.
SILVA, Karolayne Alves da. Proteção de dados da criança e do adolescente. 2022. 29f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2022.