O crime de estelionato e suas implicações na era contemporânea: o constante crescimento dos golpes via internet


Felipe Ferreira Diniz


Internet, Virtual Crimes, Embezzlement, Crimes against Property, Financial Scams


The present research aims to present how, with the various changes that have taken place in today's society, in particular, the advancement of technology, the world of crime has been more artificial and interactive, which closely follows the stride of the population to a complete digital immersion. Through a bibliographic study, legislative analysis, support in research and consultations in databases, in addition to a critical and personal analysis, we seek to present the reader with the new societal reality that is lived, where most of the activities are concluded with the use of the internet, an important tool in people's daily lives and as a consequence, a new criminological scenario also arises. In this sense, the exponential increase in cybercrimes, especially digital fraud, creates in the legal operator the raising of questions on how to prevent and combat this new criminal species. In this way, after a brief contextualization of what would be the crime of embezzlement, what digital crimes are and how the use of the internet increases every day and, consequently, the number of scams, comments will be made about measures that aim to combat this kind of crime and suggested proposals for punctual governmental actions with regard to that topic.


DINIZ, Felipe Ferreira. O crime de estelionato e suas implicações na era contemporânea: o constante crescimento dos golpes via internet. 2022. 42f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2022.

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June 30, 2022