Lei geral de proteção de dados: aplicação da lei geral de proteção de dados na contabilidade


Jésun Gomes Ribeiro
Rodolpho Augusto Patrocínio da Silva
Rogério Silva Bahia


General data protection law, ; accounting, organization, awareness, privacy


This project aimed to make accounting offices and accounting professionals aware of the importance of knowing and complying with the General Data Protection Law, as well as analyzing the level of application in the daily lives of those involved. The methodology applied was field research highlighted by an interview with accountants from the city of Belo Horizonte, as well as documentary research in order to present ideas from different authors. It was found, in general, that the implementation of the law is known and applied in the sectors by the majority of respondents and also that a small part still does not fully know the requirements of the law. In view of this, we sought to explore what governs the General Data Protection Law, as well as its sanctions.


RIBEIRO, Jésun Gomes; SILVA, Rodolpho Augusto Patrocínio da; BAHIA, Rogério Silva. Lei geral de proteção de dados: aplicação da lei geral de proteção de dados na contabilidade. 2022. 45f. Relatório (Graduação em Ciências Contábeis ) - Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2022.



July 14, 2022