Conflict mediation: an analysis based on the fundamental right to access justice in relation to family conflicts


Agenor Ribeiro Soares Filho


alternative methods of conflict resolution, Conflict mediation, Access to justice, Family conflicts


The present work aims to analyze the following theme: conflict mediation within the scope of Family Law. The delimitation of the theme is mediation as an extra-procedural means of resolving disputes within the scope of legal relations related to Family Law in the perspective of realizing the right to access to justice. The methodology used is bibliographic research. It was possible to conclude that conflict mediation is a consensual means of conflict resolution suitable for the realization of the fundamental right to access to justice in relation to conflicts within the scope of Family Law, both for its adequacy and for its speed.


SOARES FILHO, Agenor Ribeiro. Mediação de conflitos: uma análise a partir do direito fundamental ao acesso à justiça em relação a conflitos familiares. 2020. 24f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2020.

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November 30, 2020