Gender disparity in the labor market: challenges, difficulties and cultural deconstruction strategies


Luciano Catarina Miranda


Woman, Job market, Rights, Cultural Deconstruction


The prejudice that still exists in society against women's rights in the labor market and the negotiations regarding the application of these rights is still slow. Women fight for their space in the labor market to have their salaries equally remunerated in the same way as men, with their rights preserved and respected, deconstructing the culture that women are the weaker sex and enjoy privileges. The objective of this work is to analyze and identify what measures can be taken by social media to promote the cultural, ideological and prejudiced deconstruction against women's rights in the labor market. This deconstruction is something that takes time, especially issues that have permeated the culture and ideology disseminated for centuries. The methodology used in this research was the bibliographical research which included the reading of articles, laws, reports and matters about the entire research subject, limited to the chosen theme, for analysis, reflection and criticism on the information acquired through the research. It is concluded that the most efficient measures to promote cultural and ideological deconstruction and the prejudice that still exists in society against women's rights in the labor market are linked to education and the dissemination of information and concepts that promote respect and equality between men and women through social media which is a very efficient tool for sharing information.


MIRANDA, Luciano Catarina. A disparidade de gênero no mercado de trabalho: desafios, dificuldades e estratégias de desconstrução cultural. 2021. 17f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.

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December 9, 2021