The unification of state police as an advance for Brazilian states


Frederico Freitas Lima
Rodrigo Luiz Barbosa
Guilherme Augusto Teixeira dos Santos


Unification, Complete Police Cycle, Detailed Term of Occurrence, Constitutionality, Celerity


This article addresses the possibility of Unification of State, Civil and Military Police, as an advance for Brazilian states. The study was carried out based on authors and legislation related to the topic. The analysis made of article 144 of CF/88, which refers to the creation of police forces and their attributions, brought a better understanding, including regarding the constitutionality and possibility of unification of the Police within the Constitutional principles, in order to respect the fundamental rights and guarantees of the Democratic state. The current model of division of state police is outdated compared to that used in other countries, both because of the distinction between types and police regimes, and because of the delay in certain moments of proceeding with the processes due to lack of communication between the police forces. . The use of the TCO – Detailed Term of Occurrence brought a great gain in relation to the speed and gathering of important information for the proceeding of the process. With the implementation of the Complete Police Cycle, it will be possible to correct the problems of violation and seek the satisfaction of the principles of morality, efficiency, and the provision of public service to society. Through the unification of the state police, there will be an integration of the two police forces and their attributions, so that the investigative and ostensive police can exercise their functions with greater efficiency and speed.


LIMA, Frederico Freitas; BARBOSA, Rodrigo Luiz; SANTOS, Guilherme Augusto Teixeira dos. A unificação das polícias estaduais como avanço para os estados brasileiros. 2021. 18f. Projeto (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.

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November 21, 2021