The liberation of homosexual and polygamous marriage: aspects of the new types of family in Brazil


Bruno Amaral Hermógenes
Ricardo Maurício de Carvalho


Law, Wedding, Family, Homosexuality, Dignity, Equality, Polygamy


The concept of family, over the years, has undergone several changes regarding its interpretation, due to changes in the economic and social structure that have taken place in the world. For a long time, the union, through marriage, of a man and a woman, including or not children, was considered a family. Thus, from the changes that have taken place, it can be seen that there is a need to update this concept, which is so essential when it comes to legal principles, with the addition of homo-affective and polygamous unions. In this sense, the aim of this study is to discuss the needs for members of the new types of families to have their civil rights guaranteed by law in Brazil. The development of the arguments was based on the current concepts addressed by the legislation and the possible necessary changes, in order to guarantee the necessary democracy when it comes to the matrimonial sphere. In this sense, the various legal aspects involving civil union and the concept of family will be analyzed.


HERMÓGENES, Bruno Amaral; CARVALHO, Ricardo Maurício de. A liberação do casamento homossexual e poligâmico: aspectos sobre os novos tipos de família no Brasil. 2021. 21f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.

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November 25, 2021