Relatório de consultoria do grupo 3 apresentado à empresa Júlio César Fretes e Carretos


Thiago Baesse
Leonardo Vitor Moreira das Virgens


Consulting, freight, reel


This is the final report presented to the Accounting Consulting discipline, developed in the 8th period of the Accounting Sciences course at FAMIG College. A consultancy work was carried out by group 3, composed of students Thiago Baesse and Leonardo Vitor in the company Júlio Cesar Destinos e carretos enrolled, in the period between 09/02/2021 to 11/29/2021. The manager's main objective with this consultancy was to improve the financial area, on which the group focused its attention for the development of activities.


BAESSE, Thiago; VIRGENS, Leonardo Vitor Moreira das. Relatório de consultoria do grupo 3 apresentado à empresa Júlio César Fretes e Carretos. 2021. 14 f. Relatório (Graduação em Ciências Contábeis ) - Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



December 3, 2021