Plano de negócio: RJL Consultoria Financeira


Jonatas da Cruz Costa
Lúcia Alves da Silva Martins
Reinaldo Barbosa Gonçalves


Information, Financial market, Qualified professionals


In the current economic climate, we realize the need to apply our resources in sources that provide us with the opportunity to increase our finances, as we will continue our lives, especially in the elderly. This business plan was designed with the aim of opening new paths for people who want to plan their future and their dreams, with limited resources, however, that can be correctly applied, to have the best, even with the lowest value. Information has become a basic element for investors as they need to take into account several factors when investing to decide where to invest their resources. Thus, it is necessary to know all the options available in the financial market and it is often necessary to seek the help of professionals who work in this market, who have knowledge of the existing options and who also know how to identify the profile of investors and the degree of risk that the they are willing to run in search of greater profitability for their applications (ANDREATTA ET al. 2009). See more, access the PDF.


COSTA, Jonatas da Cruz; MARTINS, Lúcia Alves da Silva; GONÇALVES, Reinaldo Barbosa. Plano de negócio: RJL Consultoria Financeira. 2018. 35f. Projeto (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2018.

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July 3, 2018