Plano de negócio: Mundo das Princesas


Priscilla Martins Sales
Talita Goncalves da Silva


Children clothes, Girls, Online store, E-commerce


According to Olivette (2018) in six years, the annual sales volume of children's products in Brazil went from R$ 2.7 billion to R$ 3.9 billion. The growth of 45.6% was determined by a study by the intelligence agency Euromonitor. In the last two years alone, the growth variation was 8%, which shows that even during the crisis the segment kept some momentum. We can see that children grow and lose their clothes very quickly, so I'm not afraid to stop shopping. In addition, with the advancement of technologies and ease of access to the internet, children have fashion information and are becoming increasingly attentive and demanding. Seeking to meet this market niche, Mundo das Princesas brings a website with differentiated clothes with fashion trends adapted for girls in the range of 02 to 08 years old. The company will look for parts that are different from those found in the market, for this it will be necessary to manufacture them. It was chosen not to have a factory due to the high costs, however it is possible to manufacture the parts through outsourced services from the creation of the model to the completion of the part. So Mundo das Princesas will be an online store that will manufacture its parts through third parties, making the service efficient and low cost.


SALES, Priscilla Martins; SILVA, Talita Goncalves da. Plano de negócio: Mundo das Princesas. 2018. 32f. Projeto (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2018.

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July 3, 2018