Plano de negócio: Homerlett Special


Daniele Oliveira Rocha
Jamille Silva Xavier
Thays de Morais Jesuino


Omelette, Fast food, Omelets


The present business plan concerns the opening of an omelet shop called a study to verify the viability of the business. Points such as location, suppliers, customers, enterprise data, sources of resources, marketing plan, financial planning, among others, were studied, analyzed and will be presented throughout the work. Each stage is extremely important and details in an organized way the different areas of the enterprise, and their respective responsibilities. Homerlett Special is based on being a Fast Food Omelet business with varied flavors and side dishes, aimed at the public looking for healthy food at an affordable price. Located in a privileged point of BH, with a large circulation of people and an opportunity to leverage sales and brand awareness. It is an omelet shop in which the customer chooses the flavor, ingredients, seasonings and complements of their omelet, customizing their dish according to their taste. All the preparation of the omelet will be carried out in front of the customer, thus ensuring (...) See more, access the PDF.


ROCHA, Daniele Oliveira; XAVIER, Jamille Silva; JESUINO, Thays de Morais. Plano de negócio: Homerlett Special. 2018. 42f. Projeto (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2018.

Capa azul, simulando uma capa de monografia fisica. Com o nome da Instituição, nome do curso, nome do aluno centralizados no topo da página, título centralizado na página, e cidade e ano centralizado ao final da página.



July 3, 2018