The production of proof from the magistrate in front of the acusatory system


Verônica Gonçalves Estrella


constitutionality, evidentiary initiative, magistrate, principles, procedural systems


This article aims to demonstrate the controversies and controversies in the production of evidence by a judicial authority, in which it is responsible for judging the process. Also, show the entire structure of criminal procedural systems already applied in the Brazilian legal system and how it influences today. In addition, the figure of the judge of law will be analyzed under article 156, I of the Brazilian Criminal Procedure Code. It will be observed how relevant it is to talk about the problem of a person accusing the process, who refers to the protector of legality and guarantor of constitutional principles, being in a function of procedural actor. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to discuss the compatibility and fragility of any criminal prosecution in the face of remnants of the inquisitorial system.


ESTRELLA, Verônica Gonçalves. A produção de prova do magistrado frente ao sistema acusatório. 2021.18f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 16, 2021