Judicialization of public 0health in Brazil and its impacts as a means of enforcing a fundamental right
competences and limits, right to health, effectiveness and impacts of the right to health, judicialization of the right to healthSynopsis
The purpose of this paper is to contribute to understanding the challenges for the realization of the right to health in Brazilian law, which occurs in the main understanding that these are direct results of legal inefficiency, in the list of social rights, which should be implemented according to the Constitution Federal. The knowledge on the subject of ineffectiveness in guaranteeing the human right to health that is subject to the legal-social order is deepened: in the correlation of forces of the other powers of the Republic that oppose generating inertia in the realization of such guarantees, increasing the uncontrolled social problems.
PEREIRA. Tatiana Andrade. Judicialização da saúde pública no Brasil e seus impactos como meio de efetivação de direito fundamental. 2021. 48f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.