Parental alienation and shared custody


Rogéria de Souza Epifânio Pimenta


parental alienation, shared custody, family power, alienation syndrome


A problem that involves the family reality refers to the end of marital ties, in a growing demand. This fact generates a direct and often negative impact on family relationships, causing strain, conflicts and disruption of the family, since most separations do not occur by consensus. As a result of this turbulent situation, a process called Parental Alienation arises, which occurs when a parent or guardian makes the child reject the other parent, even detesting him. Considering that such alienation begins with the separation of parents, it is noted that one of the antidotes to its practice could be shared custody, so the following question was launched: to what extent do divorced couples, who are from a judicial approval in shared custody, can they develop or not the Parental Alienation? Within this context, our general objective is to understand parental alienation and its impacts on the lives and behavior of children and adolescents. The justification for carrying out the study is due to the relevance of the theme, since parental alienation refers to the psychological interference caused in the child or adolescent by one of their parents against another family member who is also responsible for their custody and surveillance. The methodology involved in this study was based on a qualitative research, with data collection in books, articles and magazines, which deal with the theme, in a descriptive and exploratory manner. Thus, the intention of the person who causes parental alienation is to create disagreements and negative feelings in the child in relation to a specific parent, such as the father or mother, for example. And this is the germ of Parental Alienation, the child in the midst of parental conflict, a theme that involved this study.


PIMENTA, Rogéria de Souza Epifânio. Alienação parental e guarda compartilhada. 2021. 38f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 16, 2021