The Federal Constitution in elementary and high schools


Edilander de Jesus Tavares


rights, education, justice, laws, changes


The general objective of this monograph is to demonstrate the importance of implementing the teaching of the Federal Constitution in elementary and high schools. The specific objective is to expose the changes that may occur, if there is thisinclusion of the Federal Constitution in the curriculum of national basic education, and these changes in people's lives directly and indirectly, and can transform them into better and prepared people in the most different areas of life. As the Federal Constitution is taught in schools, it will not only be an implementation of a new discipline, but the inclusion of content that is essential in the formation of people, as it is the main guideline of the country's legal system, and with that people will have full knowledge of the main rights and duties through Fundamental Rights, knowing about the rights they have, both as a person and as a society; in the sphere of public administration, people will be aware of the attributions of their heads of the executive and political representatives, being aware that their campaign proposals may in fact be put on the agenda during the term of office, or if they are merely a mere political discourse; in the virtual environment they will be able to use it without offending the rights of others, respecting differences, knowing how to legally defend themselves when their own rights are infringed; as for the criminal sphere, society in general will have full knowledge of the constitutional principles that are used in Criminal Law, being aware that certain decisions of the judiciary does not mean that the State values ​​impunity, but that it is promoting justice through the laws . In view of the above, it can be concluded that a society that knows its rights will certainly be stronger, politicized and thus avoid mistakes and losses in the most varied areas of life.


TAVARES, Edilander de Jesus. A Constituição Federal nas escolas do ensino fundamental e médio. 2021. 65f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 16, 2021