Exclusion from succession: inverse affective abandonment in the light of inheritance law


Débora Hyllana Bastos Magalhães


reverse affective abandonment, succession law, exclusion of succession, family, chances of exclusion from the succession


This work aims to analyze the abandonment of the reverse feeling based on the law of inheritance. The objective is to highlight the importance of lawmakers being more aware and attentive to this issue, and to emphasize that such actions can have very serious consequences for the lives of victims. Therefore, we will also address the reasons for the rejection of inheritance and the reasons for abandoning the reverse emotions that enter this environment. Finally, we will bring the so-called solutions and possible consequences for practitioners. Then, the explanation about the hypotheses of exclusion of the succession currently foreseen in the Civil Code, approaching in this way, its concepts, hypotheses and effects. Later on, the importance of including the issue of inverse emotional abandonment as a hypothesis of exclusion from succession will be analyzed, in view of the advances in what we can define as family today, as well as stressing the insufficiency in the way that exclusion chances today. In addition, it will demonstrate the injustices that are committed against the elderly, who are often abandoned, which can contribute to serious effects on their dignity, affecting their emotional, psychological and mental state. Finally, the bills that are being processed by the National Congress will be presented.


MAGALHÃES, Débora Hyllana Bastos. Exclusão da sucessão: abandono afetivo inverso a luz do direito sucessório. 2021. 27f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 14, 2021