The effectiveness of women's rights in Brazil


Dayane Martins dos Santos


right, evolution, gender, woman


This article seeks to study the effective application of the evolution of women's rights and its bases within the legal system. As it is an important constitutional guarantee, this institute has been gaining strength where, in a more strengthened and mature way, it presented very relevant innovations. In the first instance, historical and remote developments are woven in favor of the concrete realization of the law. In the sequence, questions are outlined regarding the representativeness of the Federal Constitution, where the effectiveness of its application is found. Therefore, exploratory research is necessary both in the doctrinal framework, as well as in legal devices capable of demonstrating the realization of women's rights.


SANTOS, Dayane Martins dos. A eficácia do direito das mulheres no Brasil. 2021. 16f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 16, 2021