Consultancy report of the FIP Consultoria Empresarial group presented to the company Bar da Vitória


Franciele F. Costa
Ítalo Silva
Pedro Passalio


consultancy, financial management, marketing plan, food branch


In this final report, it was carried out together with the management of the establishment called Bar Da Vitória, a consultancy work by the FIP Consultoria Empresarial group composed of the students Franciele, Ítalo and Pedro. In the work, all the flaws are described, from the lack of administrative knowledge of the business, the qualities, such as the environment and management conducive to carrying out the indicated changes to solve the problems detected in the financial, marketing and sales sectors, areas in which they were requested by the manager to carry out the consulting project. The objective of this project is to provide Mrs. Marlene Vitória's enterprise with better financial management and marketing planning. In this developed report, the diagnosis performed, a summary of the activities developed by FIP Consultoria Empresarial and the proposals for improvements are recorded, especially in the finance sector, which was the main sector of the organization in need of adjustments.


COSTA, Franciele F.; SILVA, Ítalo; PASSALIO, Pedro. Relatório de consultoria do grupo FIP Consultoria Empresarial apresentado à empresa Bar da Vitória. 2019. 28 f. Relatório (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2019.



November 29, 2019