Final consulting report: Grupo Osiris Business Consulting


Beatriz Eugênia da Silva Souza
Venício José de Oliveira


consultancy, financial management, grocery store


A consultancy work was developed by the Osiris Consultoria Empresarial group, composed of the students Beatriz Eugência da Silva Souza and Venício José de Oliveira at the company Lira Mercearia. The manager's main objective with this consultancy was to receive assistance in his business as a whole, grouping all the segments in order to have an outsider's view. The owner cited as important points, the management of the grocery store and financial management, which has been negatively impacted by the lack of financial control. In this way, the group focused its attention on these areas for the development of activities. This report contains a brief presentation of the company, the diagnosis carried out, a summary of the activities carried out by the group and the suggestions for improvements identified.


SOUZA, Beatriz Eugênia da Silva; OLIVEIRA, Venício José de. Relatório final de consultoria: Grupo Osíris Consultoria Empresarial. 2019. 28 f. Projeto (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2019.



November 29, 2019