Final consulting report: Grupo JA Consultoria LTDA


Andressa Paola Simão da Cunha
Igor Henrique da Silva Pacheco
Jéssica de Jesus Freitas


business, entrepreneurship, food branch, restaurant


This report was developed by the JA consultancy group, composed of students Andressa Paola, Igor Henrique and Jéssica Freitas, at the company Cheiro Verde. With the objective of maximizing the results, the group developed a survey based on the tools learned in the Administration course, aiming to analyze the customers' evaluation of the products and services offered by the restaurant.


CUNHA, Andressa Paola Simão da; PACHECO, Igor Henrique da Silva; FREITAS, Jéssica de Jesus. Relatório final de consultoria: Grupo JA consultoria LTDA. 2019. 22 f. Projeto (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2019.



June 30, 2019