Consulting report by José Cosme Damião presented to the company Padaria Romanina Ltda.


José Cosme Damião Nestor Moreira


consultancy, inventory management and control, grocery store


A consultancy work was developed by José Cosme Damião, at Padaria Romanina Ltda, and the main objective of the manager with this consultancy was to know relevant facts for the improvement process and better corrective actions, in order to minimize problems in its production , in which the consultant focused his attention on the development of activities. This report contains a brief presentation of the company, a diagnosis carried out, a summary of the activities carried out by the consultant and the suggestions for improvements identified. At the end, a proposal for implementing the suggested actions that have not yet been worked on is presented.


MOREIRA, José Cosme Damião Nestor. Relatório de consultoria de José Cosme Damião apresentado à empresa Padaria Romanina Ltda. 2020. 14f. Relatório (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2020.



November 30, 2020