Plano de negócio: Pet Shop Malt Ltda.


Luana Alves Siqueira de Paiva
Marcos Antônio Gonçalves Teixeira
Nayara de Araújo Domingos


Pet Shop, Quality, Services provision


It is a Pet Shop specialized in providing services with a high standard of quality. In order to bring practicality and convenience to people who have pets, but do not have much time to take care of them. The motivation for choosing the business was given by former members of the group, at the time the business was defined, one worked as a pet food representative, having constant contact in some Pets Shop, and the other had two dogs in her house that were considered members of your family. The main services offered by the Pet Shop Malt will be: bathing, grooming and veterinary care. The products, no less important, will be: rations, clothes, collars, toys, hygiene products, accessories, medicines. In addition to having a physical store, the company has a private car for immediate delivery, the Pet Móvel, which helps in the locomotion of its services for the best business performance. In addition, the benefit of the service is to save the customer's time and (...). See more, access the PDF.


PAIVA, Luana Alves Siqueira de; TEIXEIRA, Marcos Antônio Gonçalves; DOMINGOS, Nayara de Araújo. Plano de negócio: PPet Shop Malt Ltda. 2018. 48f. Projeto (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2018.

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July 3, 2018