Business plan: Fairy Hands Beauty and Aesthetics


Isabelli Marcelini Santos
Paula Ludmyla Silva Vitor


business, entrepreneurship, makeup, cosmetics market


Fairy hands a company that operates in the field of cosmetics for class A and B, offering a foundation for the face with high durability and efficiency, thus differentiating itself from the others offered by the market. The need for the product to last longer on women's faces is due to the rush of daily life, where time is not allocated to retouch the makeup applied at the beginning of the day. It will be an innovative and promising company in the makeup market, as it presents a proposal for a product that has not yet been sold, a product based on epiphytic plants that it has the ability to fix. The company will sell two cosmetic products: long-lasting facial foundation and facial make-up remover.


SANTOS, Isabelli Marcelini; VITOR, Paula Ludmyla Silva. Plano de negócio: Mãos de Fada Beleza e Estética LTDA. 2019. 54f. Projeto (Graduação em Administração) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2019.


June 30, 2019