Unemployment in Brazil


Glaucilene Silva Pimenta Araujo Santos


Economic development, Unemployment , Job, Remuneration, Workers


The work aims to analyze the processes that can facilitate and provide improvements for issues related to unemployment, allowing the development of an innovative methodology on the subject. Through a quantitative research, it was sought to rescue a portion of the population that performed some paid activity with separate earnings, unstable, while looking for a new job. The surveys started to identify three unemployment situations: open unemployment with job search measured in the last 30 days, hidden unemployment due to despondency and hidden unemployment due to precarious work. Through the information collected, an insufficiency in government management to solve this problem was found.


SANTOS, Glaucilene Silva Pimenta Araújo. Desemprego no Brasil. 2019. 13f. Artigo (Processos Gerenciais) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2019.

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December 30, 2019