Digital marketing in companies


Yasmin Luiza Lemes de Oliveira Carvalho


Customers, Companies, Digital marketing


This work aims to analyze, through research, how Digital Marketing works in companies, with impact, advances, relationship service tools, costs and projection for the future. Digital Marketing was chosen as the object of research because it is a current component, therefore digital marketing of comprehensively for having its market activity growing to the business environment. The research was to analyze data already available on the internet in order to analyze digital marketing strategies in companies. It was observed that companies use social networks as a way to strengthen the relationship with the customer, along with the availability of relevant content to their target audience. At the end of the work, it can be concluded that companies should invest in Digital Marketing and in people qualified for this service, conquering a highly engaged audience, thus generating more sales.


CARVALHO, Yasmin Luiza Lemes de Oliveira. Marketing digital nas empresas. 2019. 7f. Artigo (Processos Gerenciais) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2019.

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December 28, 2019