Understanding human rights


José Luiz Quadros de Magalhães
Gabriela Maciel Lamounier


right, human rights - Brazil, judicial activism, politics


International society, formed by the union of States (countries), organizations, international organisms, and individuals, has shown concern and interest in eliminating any type of violation of human rights, mainly due to the World Wars that affected international society as a all. The emergence and consolidation of human rights on the international scene was only possible with the rupture of the thought that the sovereignty of States was absolute. The primary purpose of human rights is the effective protection of human dignity through the satisfaction of people's basic needs. When the rights of the human person are protected by ensuring their dignity, the individual is allowed to develop his personality freely. States have the duty to protect and promote human rights, recognizing them in their legal systems, that is, in their Constitutions, as fundamental rights. So, in search of a greater effectiveness of these rights, international organizations and other entities that seek to defend human rights emerged in international society, acting together with sovereign States. Human rights protection systems were created, being a global system, governed by the United Nations, and four regional systems, namely: the European, the African, the Arab and the Inter-American.

Author Biographies

José Luiz Quadros de Magalhães

Master and Doctor in Constitutional Law; Prof. of Constitutional Process and General Theory of Public Law of the master's degree at PUC/MG; Director of the Faculty of Law Izabela Hendrix.

Gabriela Maciel Lamounier

Teacher at Faculdade Minas Gerais - FAMIG, Lawyer and Facilitator of Family and Systemic Constellations.


MAGALHÃES, José Luiz Quadros de; LAMOUNIER, Gabriela Maciel. Entendendo os direitos humanos. Belo Horizonte: Expert Editora Digital, 2021. 186 p.



June 1, 2021


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